Monday, May 7, 2012

Phew...What a weekend!  Nothing really out of the ordinary but it was a good one and seemed to be busy.  On Saturday, Scott helped his dad with some farm work and mowing his Uncle Norman's yard.  Xander went with his grandma to see the Arkansas Symphony Orchestra and their Children's Concert.  Xander had a good time with grandma (as always) and even helped her do some grocery shopping.  Xavier and I hung out at home and did a few things.  I made some baked spaghetti to put in the freezer (it was on the menu for Sunday but I forgot to get out the stew meat to thaw for the stew) so we pushed the stew till Sunday and skipped baked spaghetti till another time.  That night Scott was able to game with his friends, so I had the boys and we went to grandma and grandpa's for a little while and played outside.  Saturday night was also the night for the so called "Super Moon"...I didn't really notice much of a difference but maybe that is just me.  Don't get me wrong it is beautiful, I just don't see a real difference from any other full moon.

On Sunday we went to church and had lunch at Scott's parents house (they live about a 1/4 of a mile on down the street so we are there lots).  We all got Sunday afternoon naps and then we took the boys to the grandparents again and Scott took me fishing at one of their ponds.  Only one pole would work and that frustrated Scott.  I have a MAJOR fear of snakes and so would only fish out of the back of the truck.  Good thing since we saw one...let's just say I was D-O-N-E done!  I refused to get out of the truck to get in the cab of the truck on the way back.  Don't worry, it is only through the fields so we were okay.  We finally got home and got the boys down for bed after some dinner.

Now it is Monday and time to start this great week off!

(Sorry for any grammar issues...Scott is my proof reader and he isn't home right now!)

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